Having only explored / played / read / thought / laughed (a lot) these past 4 Wednesday evenings throughout the month of January - 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th (v. neat) - the company has, so far, established 9 'frames' of work. Or: scenes, moments, pieces, ideas - whatever - no matter...
But the preferable term of reference was established this evening as: scoops.
The exciting thing about the 'scoops' is that they are both 'dollops' and 'slices' in the same moment. The scoop defines each frame and will allow for shaping into a slice or leaving as a dollop - between now and April.
The scoops are:
- The Library
- The Smoke
- The edge of-
- The Wax Children
- The Poetics of Space
- The Hamlet
- The Chicken & Egg
- The Playground
- The Confession
- The Outsider
9 was more preferable...
Gaston Bachelard's The Poetics of Space (1958) was a starting point for the project / the piece / the 'big' scoop:
"Outside and inside form a dialectic of division, the obvious geometry of which blinds us as soon as we bring it into play in metaphorical domains. It has the sharpness of the dialectis of yes and no, which decides everything...
Philosophers, when confronted with outside and inside, think in terms of being and non-being. Thus profound metaphysics is rooted in an implicit geometry which - whether we will or no - confers spatiality upon thought; if a metaphysician could not draw, what would he think? Open and closed, for him, are thoughts. They are metaphors that he attaches to everything, even to his systems...
"This side" and "beyond" are faint repetitions of the dialectics of inside and outside: everything takes form, even infinity. We seek to determine being and, in so doing, transcend all situations, to give a situation of all situations."
And so: there is an exploration of notions of the following 9:
- outside / inside
- yes / no
- positive / negative
- being / non-being
- open / closed
- this side / beyond
- here / there
- concrete / vast
- dollop / slice