confluence (in honor of gaston bachelard)
by Jeanne Figueira Grossetti
Now that there are 10 days to complete the outside / inside experience - at least the first stage of this piece, as it does look as though it will have a life / a being beyond the 7, 8, 9 April - it is worth taking stock and trying to articulate, over the next couple of posts, all that we have defined / not defined / achieved this year and part of the last.
The starting point was the Gaston Bachelard chapter in The Poetics of Space (1958): with an exploration of notions, philosophies and experiences of:
- being / non-being
- positive / negative
- yes / no
- this side / beyond
- here / there
- noise / silence
- the conscious / the sub-conscious
- the ordinary / the essential
- the rehearsed / the spontaneous
- body / voice / thought
- music / sounds / effects
- breathing / movement / dance
- language / poetics / space
The atmospheres, ideas and fun that have been created with the playing of music have been hugely progressive. The contributions, offerings, ideas of the group have allowed for a piece that has had a natural development.
Some people write more, some play more; some laugh a lot, some think a lot.
The mixtures have been fruitful and there has been much confidence in body, self and ideas; in imagination, in creativity; in exploring, in being: in making.
The confluence of the experience - of the outside and of the inside - is still uniting individuals, the scoops, the spaces and will continue to do so at each of the performances in 10 days' time...
[Our thanks to Jeanne Grossetti for the use of the above image here: it captures a sense of the dialectics of the piece...]