Friday, 31 December 2010

'10: spheres

1. LIFE OF GALILEO by Bertolt Brecht | youtheatre

2. BAD WURZACH (Germany) International Touring

3. 1157performancegroup: HAMLET RESIDENCY | St. James

4. HAPPY OTTER / SAD OTTER by Ben Davies

5. SARK (Channel Islands)

6. GRUPO CORPO (Edinburgh International Festival)

7. GAMES by James Saunders | youtheatre

8. Dudendance: SPACEMAN | BDE | St. James

9. KEFALONIA (Greece) R&D

10. ALICE IN WONDERLAND | St. James | Image: Lynette Shelley

Sunday, 26 December 2010

the rest next time

And ever, as the story drained
The wells of fancy dry,
And faintly strove that weary one
To put the subject by,
"The rest next time -"It is next time!"
The happy voices cry.

21: thank you for your work...

Saturday, 25 December 2010