Monday, 28 February 2011

62 days: Blanket # 59: native universe

Tsimshian Face Mask
Polychromed wood | 7.75" x 7" x 4.75" | Dundas Collection | © Southeby's | New York

Blanket # 59:
  • the Native universe
  • the objects have power
  • totem poles: three-dimensional family histories
  • journeys from distant places
  • marriages, births and deaths
  • transformations
  • heroic deeds
  • identity: tribal, clan, family, individual
  • the expression of: values, traditions, beliefs
  • the sacred: the connection between human world and spirit world
  • law, songs, dances, poems, stories, ceremonies, rituals
  • the sacred relationship with the land: the seen and unseen forces around
  • sacred places: mountains, oceans, rivers, lakes, valleys, plains
  • the earth: flesh, blood and bones
  • cemeteries: sacred ground
  • earth, sun, stars and moon
  • creativity: spirit, imagination, design
  • a dream trail: of circles: of languages, stories, medicine, arts and teachings

Sunday, 27 February 2011

63 days: Blanket # 58: rest

Fragment of a Ritual | Omaha

from time without
you rest
there in the midst of the paths
in the midst of the winds
you rest
covered with the droppings of birds
grass growing from your feet
your head decked with the down of birds
you rest
in the midst of the winds
you wait
Aged one

Adapted from Alice C. Fletcher and Francis La Flesche, "The Omaha Tribe", in Twenty-seventh Annual BAE Report, Washington, D.C., 1911

Blanket # 58:
  • time
  • rocks
  • rest

Saturday, 26 February 2011

64 days: Blanket # 57: planting

today we planted the godot tree
it took a couple of hours

it was never a prop a piece of the set but a tree

and we planted it
[we didn't send it back to the garden centre]

a côtil in grouville because i have no garden

it was beautiful it is beautiful
the first tree i have planted in my life

a himalayan birch

why have waited so long...

Blanket # 57:
  • planting trees
  • waiting
  • earth

Monday, 21 February 2011

69 days: Blanket # 52: roots

A country road. A tree. Evening.

I bought the GODOT tree... but I have no garden...

Betula Utilis Door | Jacquemontii

Deciduous | elegant | the Audrey Hepburn of Trees | apparently | relation of the native Silver Birch | oval serrated mid-green leaves turn yellow in autumn | requires full sun and well drained soil | height: 12 metres

Blanket # 52:
  • a tree
  • roots
  • gardens

Sunday, 20 February 2011

70 days: Blanket # 51: quartet

Queen Elizabeth Hall
The London Concerts 2011

Conductor: Sir Simon Rattle
Soprano: Anna Prohaska
Piano: Bishara Harouni


Violin: Guy Braunstein
Violin: Christoph Streuli
Viola: Amihai Grosz
Cello: Ludwig Quandt


Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
String Quartet in C minor, D. 703
(Quartettsatz) 9'

Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)
String Quartet No.2, in F sharp minor, Op.10 (1907-8)
(with soprano) 30'

Gustav Mahler (1869-1911)
Quartet movement in A minor for piano and strings (1876) 11'

Arnold Schoendberg (1874-1951)
Chamber Symphony No.1 Op.9 (1906) 21'

Blanket # 51:
  • quartet
  • chamber
  • symphony
  • composition (Mahler)
  • haunting
  • nostalgic

Mahler | 28-bar sketch | Scherzo in G minor | Alfred Schnittke |1988

Saturday, 19 February 2011