Tsimshian Face Mask
Polychromed wood | 7.75" x 7" x 4.75" | Dundas Collection | © Southeby's | New York
Blanket # 59:
- the Native universe
- the objects have power
- totem poles: three-dimensional family histories
- journeys from distant places
- marriages, births and deaths
- transformations
- heroic deeds
- identity: tribal, clan, family, individual
- the expression of: values, traditions, beliefs
- the sacred: the connection between human world and spirit world
- law, songs, dances, poems, stories, ceremonies, rituals
- the sacred relationship with the land: the seen and unseen forces around
- sacred places: mountains, oceans, rivers, lakes, valleys, plains
- the earth: flesh, blood and bones
- cemeteries: sacred ground
- earth, sun, stars and moon
- creativity: spirit, imagination, design
- a dream trail: of circles: of languages, stories, medicine, arts and teachings