A Leonard Goldstein Presentation
Screenplay: Delmer Daves & Leo Townsend
From a story by: John Prebble
Director: Robert Webb
Producer: Robert L. Jacks
With: Robert Wagner | John Lund | Debra Paget | Jeffrey Hunter
Blanket # 105:
welcome | a river | our side of the river | each arrow has a meaning | courage | dignity | war | treaty | who are you called? | how is she called? | Appearing Day | a rich present | it does not fit our hand | pine tree soap | can i kiss you thank | we must protect you | we will say good night now | maize | 200 horses | welcome to our council | it is our wish | i have listened to all that has been said | i have thought long thoughts | the buffalo has gone | the eating is ended | all has been said | my lodge | words have too many shadows | people will die as people | do not speak with one tongue and one heart