This was only my eighth performance, having been away from the show for 10 days, but the company's 25th!
The performance was sold out and even the house seats had been issued: superb!
Having been unable to attend the Press Night a week ago (after a week of schools' performances) this was only our seventh public performance. These have a very different atmosphere to the schools' performances as adults alike take a very active part in the participation which can often be very 'adult' and funny.
There were many celebratory elements to the 25th! The Ooh La La! team was tight, focused, concentrated and really enjoyed and savored every moment. There was tremendous energy to their performance and they were very excited afterwards, wanting feedback and notes and 'bits' - the latter I will now use to indicate notes!
Our adult actors had truly inhabited the world of the piece and had beautifully developed ideas and physicalities which enriched the already vibrant, fun and serious atmospheres.
It is still incredible to watch some very young children want to see the actor playing The Beast in the foyer afterwards and kiss him. Perhaps this demonstrates the balance that has been struck between that which is scary (and beastly) and that which is endearing, comfortable, sensitive, accessible (beautiful).
There are still 35 more performances to present, deliver, develop, inhabit. And many of these I will see as I zig-zag across the UK (seeing one or two friends in their Christmas shows over the vacation) and back to the Channel Islands.
A couple of reviews from local papers have been published at:
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